It can be very convenient to drive directly to UTSG without having to board a bus, train, or bike. However, vehicle-related costs aside, driving can offer a sense of autonomy and freedom. You can park your vehicle less than a km from your next class or your workplace, and walk a short distance. However, there are a few things you should know about parking at UTSG, including available parking lots and which rates you qualify for.
1) Daily Parking Rates
Daily parking rates are the first option to consider. For example, students who drive to campus a few times a month to deliver or pick up their materials could use the metered parking spots around campus. This is great for students who know they won’t be driving on a daily basis, but only once in a while. UTSG parking locations have the “Pay and Display” service, meaning you’ll purchase a ticket at a machine kiosk and place it on your dashboard. Typically, the ticket expires within a certain time slot, and this may vary depending on how much time you paid for. Coins and credit are accepted.
The tickets are only valid at the same location where you purchased them, so you cannot buy a ticket and park somewhere further away. Additionally, here are important things to note:
- There are surface-level parking spots and parking garages.
- As a general guideline, most of these locations charge by the hour or by a half-hour, with daily maximums. All of these will vary in price.
- No spot guarantees availability. Near the end of this article, we will discuss recommended places to park in relation to where you need to be.
2) Student Permits
Moreover, student permits can be issued upon application. What’s great about a student permit is that you’ll be guaranteed to find a parking spot in your designated location, and won’t have to struggle to find one. Also, these permits are available for underground and surface-level parking on a monthly, 4-month, and 8-month duration.
- Permits may be purchased in person, and a valid T-Card must be presented when requesting a permit. Pay by debit or credit. Cash is not accepted.
- Only the 4-month and 8-month student parking permits can be purchased online. Upon successfully purchasing your permit, you must go to the Transportation Services Office when it is ready for you. This may take a few days.
- There are a limited number of student permits available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Reserved permits are sold on a monthly basis.
- Park in the designated location during designated hours of operation. Otherwise, you will be ticketed or towed.
- You can contact the University of Toronto’s Transportation Services for more information on pricing and sales times.
3) Staff and Faculty Parking
Staff and faculty members of the University of Toronto may also receive special deals on parking and city transit. For more information, including current availabilities, contact Transportation Services.
4) Campus Parking Options
Lastly, time to decide where you should park on campus! This is one of the most important things to plan for. Some spots are going to be more popular than others, and as a result, may reach maximum occupancy faster when it comes to general day parking. Here is a guide based on proximity to certain areas of interest.
Where should you park?
Parking garages are the most expensive to purchase a permit for, especially when the duration for the permit is 8 months. However, here are both garages and outdoor parking options:
- The Glen Morris parking garage is close to the Graduate Residence. Pay and display is available.
- 71 Prince Arthur is close to Bloor Street, which may be ideal if you have obligations at the OISE building or classes on the northern end of campus. Pay and display is available.
- The 107 St. George parking garage is at the heart of Rotman Commerce. Pay and display is available.
- 213 Huron Street hosts a lot of parking for the Bahen Centre for Information Technology. It’s a good option if you have obligations on the south side of campus. Pay and display is available.
- 55 St. George Street hosts a parking garage for the Myhal Centre. This can be especially useful if you have a lot of classes there. Pay and display is available.
- King’s College Circle is a large roundabout with pay and display parking options. Do not believe for a moment that you can risk parking there for even 20 minutes without buying a ticket. They will fine you! But the great thing about parking at King’s College Circle is you are central to the entire campus, and only about 2 minutes away from places like Convocation Hall, Gerstein Library, The Med-Sci Building, and Knox. You will also be a five-minute walk away from Robarts Library.
- Hart House Circle has a few pay and display parking spots available, most of the time. You’ll be super close to the Hart House facilities, the Faculty of Law, and other areas around Queen’s Park if that’s where you’re heading.
- 256 McCaul Street has parking spots with conditional pay and display. You’ll be closer to the College Street areas of campus.
- To park on College Street, try 155 College Street (surface). This also has conditional pay and display.
We hope you find a good spot at the University of Toronto St. George! Furthermore, if you want to continue reading, check out The Commuter’s Guide to Transportation: The University of Toronto St. George Campus Edition.