Paying for post-secondary education can be difficult. Do you know about the financial aid at St. Francis Xavier University that can help you out?
Students are often concerned about paying their tuition costs, and understandably so. Obtaining a university degree is not easy or cheap. It requires time, hard work, dedication, and yes, money. Don’t let a lack of funds stop you from pursuing your passion. As a student here, you can benefit from seeking out financial aid at St. Francis Xavier University!
Financial Aid Office
If you require assistance sorting out a personal financial plan and developing credit management skills, then check out the Financial Aid Office. Located in Nicholson Tower, the Financial Aid Office is available for St. Francis Xavier University students who require information about or want to apply for student loan programs, scholarships, bursaries, etc.
The Financial Aid Office administers the university’s four bursary programs:
- Emergency
- Entrance
- General
- Limited
Bursaries may also be offered through specific programs.
Even though St. Francis Xavier University does not have its own financial aid program for students, they can access the Financial Aid Office for support applying for financial aid with both Canada and the USA.
Book an appointment by emailing: financialaid@stfx.ca
Student Food Resource Centre
Don’t stress if you find yourself running short on food as a student. Stop by the Kevin’s Corner Food Resource Centre to stock up on these resources. This service is located through the back of Mackinnon Hall from Monday – Sunday afternoons. It’s free and confidential to students of St. Francis Xavier University.
Government Student Loans
Students must apply to the student loan program in their home province or territory, regardless of where they are attending post-secondary school. This “home” province or territory is the last place the student lived in for at least 12+ months (as a non-post-secondary student). Typically, for most students, this is the same place where one graduates from high school.
Sum Up
There is help out there! The financial aid at St. Francis Xavier University assists its students through the student living expenses and tuition costs, so they can continue their studies. Whether you are seeking out information, scholarship and bursary applications, food bank services, or a student loan, there are options available.
Are you looking for more information on St. Francis Xavier University? Then read about their School Traditions next!