How are your grades holding up this school year? Are you looking for tutoring and academic support services at Mount Allison University? Here’s everything you need to know.
The transition from high school to post-secondary can be difficult, especially when you are learning virtually. Don’t let this hold you back. If you require assistance during your academic endeavours, then locate the tutoring and academic support services at Mount Allison University to get you there.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, some of these facilities may not be operating during normal hours. Please contact them ahead of time and be patient. Thank you.
Meighen Centre
The Meighen Centre is nationally recognized for its work with students who have learning disabilities; however, this is expanding to services for students with all types of disabilities. This also includes organizing note-takers and tutors for various classes. With online learning still in effect, the Meighen Centre staff are available to meet with Mount Allison University students through videoconference calls or by phone. If necessary, you can schedule an in-person appointment after a virtual meeting.
Academic Mentors
If you are living in residence, then reach out to your Academic Mentors. These are upper-year students that provide support and mentorship to first-year students in their assigned residence. There are typically one or two Academic Mentors assigned per residence to help organize tutoring sessions and suggest academic resources to students. Academic Mentors develop and conduct residence programs to assist students with their personal growth and academic success.
Moreover, there is a Peer Mentoring program. To learn about how to get involved with this Peer Mentorship program, click here.
Writing Centre
Are you seeking writing help? The Writing Centre is located in the library; however, you need to book appointments online. They have tutors that can assist students who are writing in all subject areas and at every stage of the writing process. In fact, students are often encouraged to visit the Writing Centre for assistance on class presentations, cover letters, scholarship applications, and more. It is the ideal place to polish your essays before handing them in. Additionally, the library help desk can provide research techniques and citation formats to improve your skills.
Academic Advising
Are you looking for guidance? Academic advising is available at the Student Centre. These advisors can assist all Mount Allison University students from First-Year to Graduation Day. However, due to COVID-19, academic advising is only available by virtual appointment or by email.
Sum Up
In conclusion, there are many tutoring and academic support services at Mount Allison University. Explore all of your options to discover what resources work best for you. You’ve got this!
If you’re looking for more information on Mount Allison University, then read about the Free Activities Near Campus next!