Which services are available for students to use from home?
Most on-campus resources are now available online. So you can access tutoring, study sessions, and much more from the comfort and safety of your room. Here’s a list of the University of Manitoba’s online academic services that you can benefit from as a U of M student.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, some of these facilities may not be operating during normal hours. Please contact them ahead of time and be patient. Thank you.
Academic Learning Centre (ALC)
The University of Manitoba’s Academic Learning Centre assists graduate and undergraduate students who are both full and part-time students. This is ideal when seeking academic support for writing. Therefore, if you are looking to improve your writing, study, and research skills, then book an appointment with a tutor or sign up for a workshop at no charge. You will gain access to individual tutoring, workshops, group study sessions, tip sheets, and videos. The Academic Learning Centre provides academic support for every faculty on campus. They are available by booking appointments online or in person.
Also, every program has access to tutoring services. Simply check with your department first.
Nimbus Tutoring App
Nimbus Tutoring is a course-specific service that conveniently provides support in the course material through peer tutors. Each peer tutor goes through a rigorous approval process to verify that they have achieved at least an 80% in the course they request to tutor in. Moreover, the Arts Student Body Council (ASBC) partnered with Nimbus Learning, which is a mobile learning platform provider, so they can make the booking, communication, and scheduling process easier on students. This is a terrific resource, however, it is not free.
Mathematics Help Centre
Are you struggling with your math courses? Then visit the Mathematics Help Centre. This service is open to students who are registered in first-year math courses. Since mathematics graduate students run the Help Centre, you can feel confident that you are receiving quality guidance — for free.
Student Accessibility Centre
To gain access to the Student Accessibility Centre (SAS), you must submit a disability assessment form and be approved. The Student Accessibility Centre provides support to students with disabilities. Therefore, if you require assistance with your academic endeavours, then reach out to them. Learn how to register here.
Dafoe Library
Free writing tutors are also at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library (known as the Dafoe Library). This is a great place to have someone read over and revise your papers before class, so you can fix any mistakes immediately. Since you’re likely to be working on your paper here, it doesn’t hurt to have a second set of eyes read it over.
The First Year Centre
Looking for guidance? Check out the First Year Centre. Advisors are available to all first-year students in any area of study. They also host sessions for students that teach useful skills and helpful tips during their transition to post-secondary education.
Sum Up
If these options don’t work for you, then turn to your TAs for help. They are familiar with the subject matter and should be capable of walking you through the material. At the end of the day, the University of Manitoba’s online academic services are available for you to explore! So don’t be ashamed to get the help you need.
Are you looking for more information about the University of Manitoba? Then read where to eat around campus next!