Do you know where to locate the academic services you are going to need this year?
It’s been a strange year. Now that remote-learning is the norm, explore the online academic services at the University of Alberta! Here are all of the resources you can take advantage of while you study at home.
NOTE: Due to COVID, some of these facilities may not be operating on normal hours or they may require bookings and appointments. Please contact them ahead of time and be patient. Thank you.
Centre For Writers
If you need help with a writing assignment, the Centre For Writers offers individual appointments, workshops, and writing groups for students. Even though the Writing Centre is located on campus, everything can be accessed remotely through their website. Sign in to view their schedule and book appointments.
The Centre For Writers also offers a tutoring service for students. In addition to their live tutoring, they also offer online (asynchronous) tutoring to all University of Alberta students who are unable to book appointments that are available on the schedule.
Peer Support Centre
The Peer Support Centre (PSC) is a Student Union service for University of Alberta students. It is free, confidential, and non-judgemental. Volunteers offer free tutoring, peer support, and crisis management, as well as information and resources. Moreover, The Peer Support Centre is open for virtual drop-in hours on Zoom from Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Since this resource is lesser-known, there tends to be more availability.
Academic Success Centre
The Academic Success Centre is located on the first floor of the Student Union Building (SUB); however, like most school resources, this can now be accessed online. Get in touch with academic advisors through Zoom, Google Meet, etc. to maximize your support and achieve your academic goals. Appointments are broken down into three categories:
- Learning Appointments
- Writing Appointments
- Communication Appointments
Individual appointments must be booked in advance.
Most importantly, they provide Resources for Remote Learning. This will teach you how to effectively manage your time, develop skills for online learning, study for exams and assignments, the importance of academic integrity, and, lastly, how to communicate in a remote environment.
Decima Robinson Support Centre
If you need help with your 100- or 200- level mathematics or statistics courses, this is where you will find student-led support! The Decima Robinson Support Centre offers comprehensive support for students who are taking introductory math or stats courses. Their staff of graduate students will offer one-on-one help. However, they also provide exam study sessions for select courses and weekly review seminars. Even though the Decima Robinson Support Centre is located in the Central Academic Building, they are currently offering all services online so you can access them remotely.
Your TAs usually know what’s going on in a class. Therefore, if you are struggling to understand a concept, try reaching out to your TA for help first. Most of them are happy to walk you through it, especially because they are knowledgeable in the area.
Student affairs generalists, support staff, and community brokers make up the University of Alberta ACCESS Team. They help students navigate services to ensure that they are receiving appropriate and timely resources. Therefore, if you are unsure of the support you require, are concerned about accessing services, or feel like you need support immediately from a service you are waiting for, then reach out to the ACCESS Team!
Are you looking for more information? Then read about the University of Alberta’s Financial Aid Resources next!