Going to university is an exciting journey. There’s a whole new life awaiting you at Saint Mary’s University which means you have to be prepared for the new semester. Whether you’re living on campus or at home, these are some essential things your survival tool kit needs for your first year.
Convenient purse/wallet/cardholder
Whether it’s to gain access to the library, purchase an item, or get health coverage, there’s a card for everything. Getting a convenient cardholder or something similar will come in very handy. You should always try to keep your University ID, student health insurance card, Halifax Transit UPass, Government ID, credit/debit cards, provincial health card and driver’s licence. Having all of those cards in one little space so you can easily access it will make your day a little less frustrating. It’s also helpful to have these cards with you at all times because you never know when you’ll need it.
Folder for important documents
Have one folder dedicated to all your important university documents. This would include a copy of your offer of admission, scholarships/bursaries/awards, documents for any government loans or line of credit. These are important documents you may need in the future for loan repayments or tax information so losing them would mean more work for you.
For those living away from home, you can also include other important documents like your passport in the folder. This way, if any emergency were to occur you can take the one folder and head out of the building with everything you need as quickly as possible.
Power strips
Between a laptop, phone, headphones/earphones, there are so many things you need to charge and sometimes you need to charge all of them at once. It happens way more often than you think. Getting a power strip can solve this problem. Check with your residence building’s guidelines to see if these are allowed.
Power bank
On the theme of charging your devices, having a power bank with you as a backup can be a lifesaver. The last thing you need is being stuck on a bus or a street and your phone dies. Or on a night out your phone dies and you can’t take any cute pictures. So always have a power bank with you – and make sure it’s charged!
A planner is super important for organizing lecture times, club meetings, assessment dates and other activities. You should get both daily and monthly planners to keep yourself organized. Getting a physical planner or digital planner works, it depends on your preference. I use both a digital and physical planner that I alternate for various uses.
If you don’t already have one, it’ll make your life easier at university to have a laptop/tablet/pc depending on your program. You’ll need it to type up assignments, send emails, work on projects and so many things. They’re such an integral part of our lives now.
Lastly, your survival tool kit needs some noise-canceling technology as it’s the holy grail for university students. It’ll come in handy in so many situations. If you’re on the bus, trying to study in the library, or even at home you’ll definitely find a use for this technology. Headphones are the best option but they’re the most expensive and it may not be worth it for everyone. Earphones are a good middle ground also and many people already have earphones. If you want a good alternative, earplugs are great. You can get a pack of earplugs for as cheap as CAD$3.
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