If you’re looking into pursuing art in post-secondary, you’ve likely heard of Emily Carr University of Art & Design. Regarded by many as Canada’s top university for art and design, the university offers programs in everything from traditional art and animation to museum curation and community engagement. Students at ECU have a unique set of needs beyond those of a ‘traditional’ college or university student. Here’s what’s available to help ECU students create their ideal artistic education and career.
There are over 20 different shops and studios on campus to accommodate the many styles of media pursued by ECU students. They’re a great way to join a community when you’re in first year and they make it easy to connect with students in other disciplines. You’ll want to check out the on-campus galleries too. They host exhibitions of student and professional work, bringing the local artistic community together.
If you’re studying art and design, you probably know that you’re going to require more equipment and supplies than the average student. This can make the already expensive process of going to post-secondary even pricier. Enter the Media Resources Department! This is where you can go to borrow everything from lenses and lighting gels to projectors and camera rigs. Before you go out and pick up that new program or device, check out their equipment list to see if you actually need to. And once you’ve started making your art, the Digital Output Centre can help you get it in front of an audience with large-scale printers, cutters, and more.
Regardless of the artistic medium you work in, writing is also an important part of your work, both academically and in your future career. The Writing Centre works with all students, staff, and faculty at ECU on any kind of project imaginable. Their philosophy is that “all writers need readers–experienced writers, novice writers and everyone in between!” Make an appointment, drop in, or even get your feedback through online chat – whatever works best for you.
A career in the arts is as much of a passion as it is a job, but you need to put just as much energy into the ‘job’ part as you do the ‘passion’ part. The Career Development + Work Integrated Learning Office connects students with employers in the creative industries and beyond; they also offer career advising, clinics and strategy sessions, drop-in and individual advising, access to co-op learning opportunities, internships and partnerships, and more. Check out The Leeway, a social and professional networking site where you can connect with ECU alumni for mentorship, feedback, support, and collaboration.
The Emily Carr Students’ Union is your voice on campus. You are automatically a member upon becoming a student, but they are not a department of the university; they are run by students, for students. The ECSU advocates for you (past victories include successfully lobbying for the U-Pass BC program that provides discounted transit for all students in Metro Vancouver), puts on events, and supports all kinds of clubs and initiatives. They’re also members of the BC Federation of Students, made up of 14 student unions from across the province that organize together to improve student life. Their initiatives and affinity groups are worth checking out if you’re a member of a marginalized community, interested in social justice or otherwise seeking support.
These groups and services should set you on a path for success, no matter your chosen discipline. Make sure to connect with them throughout your educational journey at ECU, and don’t forget to participate in the alumni association after graduation!