Are you searching for student services at Laurentian University? Here’s a list of them to make your life easier!
Laurentian University wants its students to succeed in all areas of their lives, which includes financially, academically, personally, and in their future careers. Students thrive in a supportive environment. Therefore, this article aims to showcase popular services available at Laurentian University, so students can take full advantage of their school’s offerings.
Firstly, what can counsellors do for Laurentian University students? Counsellors listen to and help students work through mental health concerns and personal problems that might negatively impact a student’s success. Secondly, counsellors promote personal development, growth, and effective learning in a confidential environment. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-serve basis from Monday to Friday, 1 PM to 3 PM. However, same-day appointments are available if the concern is urgent.
Accessibility Services
Secondly, students can find accessibility support at the Accessibility Services Office. The office covers many types of disabilities to help students participate in all academic experiences at Laurentian University.
What can active students who require accessibility services do?
Basically, students can use Accessibility Services to schedule a test, midterm, or final exam. They can also schedule an appointment with an Accessibility Advisor that can lead to:
- Accommodation Review
- Time Management
- Learning Strategies
- Assistive Technology and Training
- Alternate Format Request
- Accessibility Appointments
Currently, Accessibility Service appointments can be booked virtually, over the phone, and in person.
Health and Wellness Services
A student’s health and wellness are important. Laurentian University services its students with an on-campus medical clinic that assists with healthcare needs. This includes acute walk-in care, as well as a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, and physician consultations during their regular office hours. However, urgent cases are still accepted.
Are you unsure where to go for an in-person appointment? Visit the single student residence complex in room G-23. Also, students can book an appointment over the phone or via email.
Phone number: (705) 673-6546, or 675-1151 extension 1067
Email: healthservices@laurentian.ca
Career Hub
Career and employment support services are available for alumni, undergraduate and graduate students at Laurentian University’s Career Hub. This includes summer, part-time, and permanent opportunities. However, Laurentian’s Career Hub also helps students to develop lifelong career management skills through a wide range of accessible services. These offerings encourage students to make informed decisions about their future employment choices and career goals.
Additionally, Career Hub works with employers to recruit students directly from the university. Students can access job postings, on-campus jobs, resume and cover letter building, interview advising, employment counselling, internship opportunities, career fairs, and career workshops. So, there are lots of reasons to use this resource!
Indigenous Student Affairs
Laurentian University’s Indigenous Student Affairs team seeks to increase accessibility and enhance a student’s educational experience. Therefore, students of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit ancestry at Laurentian University are nurtured in a learning environment that supports their spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional wellbeing by providing a positive learning environment that is consistent with the Indigenous worldview.
Laurentian University Campus Emergency Response Team (LUCERT)
Laurentian University’s Campus Emergency Response Team (LUCERT) is a student-led initiative that enhances safety at Laurentian University. LUCERT responds to any medical issue occurring on the Sudbury Campus. Volunteers are made up of Laurentian students who are trained at a First Responder level with CPR HCP. Moreover, LUCERT partners with security so they can assist with any emergency that happens on the Sudbury Campus. They are also joined with Laurentian’s SafeWalk program to get students home safely.
Students at Laurentian University will discover a variety of programs and services that can help them through stressful areas. For example, students can seek out counselling, academic advisors, health and wellness services, accessibility accommodation, safety measures, career assistance, and a positive learning environment for all. Laurentian University provides these services to its students, so they can find what they need to create a thriving learning environment. For more information about Laurentian University, check out our other articles!