Are you hoping to pursue a life of faith? If you are dedicated to following the path of Jesus Christ, Briercrest College and Seminary is THE Canadian college to look at! This is a college that specializes in Christian education and helps to foster a Christian lifestyle. Briercrest College and Seminary has streamlined the process of applying for residences and helping students with getting settled into dorm living when they arrive at Briercrest.
Learn how to apply and get into Briercrest as well as living in Student Residences.
How to Get into Briercrest College and Seminary
What are the requirements? You have to earn a high school diploma with a minimum average of 65%. Also, one of these courses must be an English course. All students at Briercrest College and Seminary must be both a professing and practicing Christian. Additionally, they must fully complete and submit all portions of the college admission requirements.
Moreover, all Briercrest students must commit to the standards set out by Briercrest College and Seminary. The Student Responsibilities and Expectations documentation explains the expectations of all students attending Briercrest and living in their residences. All Briercrest students are expected to live in dorms or community housing. Therefore, these guidelines ensure that students maintain a respectful, considerate, and safe environment at all times.
Student Dorms
At Briercrest College and Seminary, all unmarried students under the age of 23 and without dependents must live in a student dorm. Students in their fourth year, or students that qualify and successfully apply for community housing status, are exempt from living in dorms. All students living in residence must follow the Residence Life Code.
What’s in Your Dorm Room?
All of the Briercrest dorms on campus include a:
- desk and chair for a quiet study space
- twin bed and mattress
- closet
- shelving
- mirror
- free wi-fi internet connection
Additionally, there are washers and dryers in each dorm. This cost is covered by student dorm fees. Students must bring their own twin bedding set, shower supplies, clothing hangers, garbage can, computer, surge protectors, clothing, sticky tack, and school supplies. There are also restrictions on appliances in dorm rooms. Students are allowed to bring a mini-fridge, electric kettle, and/or a fan for their room.
Next, Briercrest College and Seminary has a large list of prohibited items:
- weapons of any kind (real or fake)
- air conditioning units
- space heaters
- candles
- incense
- pets
- alcohol
- drugs
- tobacco products of any kind
- tacks
- nails
- screws
- any type of unwholesome or blasphemous media
Basically, students should not bring these items to Briercrest.
Worried About Finding a roommate?
There’s no need to worry! All Briercrest College and Seminary students will fill out the Student Residence Forms to help the College Administrators carefully match each student with a roommate. Students do not know who their roommate is before arriving on campus. However, if there are issues, they can contact their dorm’s Residence Director for assistance. If students have a vehicle, they must register their vehicle during check-in.
Community Housing
Finally, Community Housing at Briercrest is available. However, they limit this option to students entering their fourth year of undergraduate studies at Briercrest College and Seminary. Therefore, for Community Housing, students must have lived six full semesters in student dorms on the Briercrest campus and/or completed 90+ formally applied college credit hours. Also, students who meet these standards must be in good standing in all areas of school life and fully adhere to the Student Responsibilities and Expectations.