UVIC is an open campus with a ton of resources that students may not even know exists. In this article, I’ll be listing off 5 resources that all students should know before coming into UVIC. We’ll start the list off with personal protection. Personal growth and discovery are only natural for all of us, and attending university is a good way of discovering who you are sexually.
Free Safe Sex Supplies
The Anti Violence Project housed within the Student Union Building (SUB) serves as a place of education, support, and free protection. For those who want to participate in safe sex, the AVP office (SUB, B027) and in front of the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) general office are stations filled with safe sex supplies ranging from condoms, internal condoms, lube and flavoured condoms. You deserves to have choices when it comes to your body. Furthermore, the AVP provides workshops on understanding consent and supports survivors of sexual assault. These workshops are free, and times are posted on their social media and website. Another great resource that the UVSS offers is its food bank and free store program.
UVSS Food Bank and Free Store
The Food Bank and Free Store is another initiative led by the UVSS to help alleviate some pressure on students who may be struggling or just need a hand. Their hours may vary because the operation is entirely run by volunteers, so their time slots are always posted and updated right outside of their room at SUB B007. The Food Bank and Free Store offer all UVIC campus members access to food essentials and free household items. Furthermore, the Free Store further encourages the diversion of functional objects from landfills. Students can help by donating food items themselves or items they don’t need but still value. The Food Bank will always have a steady stream of essentials like vegetables, canned goods, and spices due to the limited supply; however, students usually only take up to 2 pieces per item.
Cinecenta provides cheaper movies on campus; for instance, students only pay $6.50 per ticket, while you can pay twice that at a Cineplex theatre. However, the films Cinecenta shows may not be the latest; however, they offer a great selection of interesting and even cult classic movies. For example, in 2019, Cinecenta was the only movie theatre in Victoria that screened Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite and had a packed house for all its screenings. The theatre is also used as a meeting place for clubs and course union meetings too. Aside from that, the Munchie Bar snacks, drinks and other treats are also sold at a fair price, and you can save 25¢ by bringing your own mug when you purchase a coffee or tea there. Lastly, there’s a decent number of seats and tables located within the lobby of Cinecenta in front of Munchie Bar. If your perfect atmosphere is a semi-bustling café with the smell of coffee, tea, treats and popcorn, then Cinecenta is your place to hang out.
Library AV Rentals
The most versatile part of the McLaren Library at UVIC offers students the chance to use equipment they may not have or do not have the opportunity to buy it. The Library Rental area located at the very back of the library on the first floor allows students in the graduate and undergraduate programs to loan out AV equipment for up to a week. However, some hotter items may have varying times, like Macbook Pros, which are only allowed to be loaned out for 2 hours. Other equipment like chargers, headphones, laptops, iPads, green screens, cameras, and tripods are also available to loan out; if no one else has placed a reservation on your item and your time is up, you can renew the loan period.
Finally, all students attending UVIC have a gym pass to the McKinnon gym, mainly because it is included in your tuition. Although it is an older gym compared to CARSA, the equipment is always in good condition and working condition. Students can come and go as they please, and the gym also offers a swimming pool for those who want to exercise in the water. Hopefully, this list gives you a good insight into the many resources UVIC offers and will be of use to when the times come in the fall.
Since UVIC is such a huge campus, these student resources are at the top of the list. However, they’re not the only ones offered at UVIC. You can find out what else UVIC has to offer on their website and in person if you walk around the campus enough.