Selecting the right classes offered in UVIC can get overwhelming at times due to the sheer number of classes offered in the fall and spring semesters. Trying to find that one perfect course that can fit in your already tight schedule can be downright tedious and stressful too. This article is meant for those students who want to find an interesting elective or even required class that is not as conventional as some other classes you may find at UVIC. This article will feature the top 6 Classes you should take if there’s room to spare in your semester(s).
#1 HSTR 101F A01 Food in World History
First off, we have Food in World History. The class is about examining human history through the lens of food. The prof in charge, Rachel Cleaves, takes students across time and space studying how people have eaten, created, cultivated, and thought about food across the span of 200,000 years. This class is not making food as it is more about understanding how connected we are to food and how it connects us with the rest of the world. It earns the top spot for being an easy A (if you do the work) and because you’ll get to learn and even taste how we have evolved as a species.
#2 PAAS 404 Asian Horror Cinema
Second place goes to Asian Horror Cinema, taught by Timothy Iles. This class takes an in-depth look at Asian Horror Cinema. It examines how they embody all the negative aspects of technology encroaching on our lives. It has essentially cut us off from making moral and sound judgements; the films also create a commentary on how social media has added an extra layer of security in our lives that enables us to make decisions we normally wouldn’t do without it. Film buffs or people who love interesting commentary should definitely take this class.
#3 HSTR 336T The Created Medieval History of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
This class is for the true hardcore lovers of the Lord of the Rings series. Tim Haskett teaches this course, and it is challenging. You won’t be finding yourself a GPA booster through this course whatsoever; however, if you’re truly willing to engage with its history and world-building, I recommend joining the class. Between the 1000s of years of history set within the universe you’ll be covering important events that precede the main film series and books.
#4 GMST 454 A Cultural History of Vampires in Literature and Film
Vampires have had a place in human culture and history for a long time; in this course taught by Peter Gölz, you’ll only be covering its history from the 20th century onward. It is a film and literature course so you can expect to see some cult classics and read some cult classics like Dracula. Understandably, the course only covers the history of European vampires (being a Germanic Studies course), so if you’re looking for a world history of vampires, you’re out of lick. Nevertheless, this course can be an easy GPA booster if you participate in class regularly and pay attention to the details.
#5 MUS 108 African Hand Drumming
Hands-on introduction to African drumming and percussion. Instruments include drums, bells, shakers and xylophones. No prior playing experience is necessary; all instruments are provided.
#6 PAAS 128 Korean Language
This is an obvious one, the popularity of Kpop over the past decade has increased 10 fold. With that, the Pacific and Asian Studies department has provided the opportunity for kpop enthusiasts or those wanting to get into Korean culture the chance to learn. This course is a hot one, so a seat is not guaranteed.
Out of all the little gems you can find in the courses list of UVIC, these ones stand out as the most interesting and possibly useful classes you can take. Each one has a lesson to be learned you can apply to the real world, whether it be socially or culturally useful; all you have to do is sign up to find out.