The Casa Loma campus has a lot of programs on the artsy and creative side which can be daunting because you may be wondering how you can display your artistic abilities when applying to these programs. Some of the more common programs are outlined below with their admission requirements so you can get a heads up and start making yourself a stronger candidate for these programs.
There are over 40 programs available at this campus and as much as I would love to detail them all here for you, there are just too many varying requirements. Therefore, it is always best practice to look at your specific program requirements because there may be slight differences in what is required of you. To find what your specific intended program requires, find your program at the following link, and click on the “How to Qualify and Apply” option after going to your program’s page: https://www.georgebrown.ca/programs/program-availability?year=2021&availability=domestic
School of Fashion & Jewellery
Fashion TECH Program
The Fashion TECH program at the Casa Loma campus is one of the more competitive programs requiring supplementary applications in addition to your academic performance. The academic requirements actually change frequently due to the nature of the fashion industry, so the school actually prefers you to contact them directly to get the most up-to-date and accurate admission requirements. You can contact the Student Success Instructor, Jeanine Larmour, at jlarmour@georgebrown.ca. However, what is certain is that the supplementary application will include a pre-screening process, followed by an interview and computer assessment. So brush up your interview skills and practice your answers making sure you are able to highlight your skills and passion for fashion! There will also be an English assessment that you will need to complete and an online application to help the program understand more about you.
Fashion Management Program
Do not be discouraged if you do not make it into the Fashion TECH program since it has a rigorous application process. That is not your last and only chance to get into fashion and start off with George Brown since there are many other fashion programs that the school offers. A lot of these other fashion programs like the Fashion Management Program only looks at your academics and does not require a supplementary application. The program requires that you have your Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent and you must successfully complete grade 12 english college or university, and grade 12 math college or university but it could also be substituted with grade 11 math at the mixed or university level.
School of Media & Performing Arts
Dance Performance Program
Being that this is a dance performance program, there is no surprise that there is an audition component to the application process. You first have to submit audition requests through the form of video submissions. The program also requires that you at least had intermediate level training in classical ballet which translates to at least 5 to 7 years of experience. Specifically, pointe work, and jazz and/or modern dance training is required. Of course, the school still has academic requirements that you need to meet which is the completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent and the successful completion of a grade 12 english course at the college or university level.
Theatre Arts – Performance Program
The academic requirements for the theatre arts performance program is the exact same as the dance performance program with the grade 12 english course and your OSSD. However, for this program there is an interview in addition to your audition that you must go through. The audition process for this program is in-person and it requires that applicants perform both two monologues and a song, which have to be memorized. One of your monologues has to be chosen from the time period 1575 to 1700 and the other monologue has to be from after 1900. The purpose of this is for the monologues to contract drastically so they can evaluate the different sides of your personality. So the more different, the better it benefits you! Both of the monologues cannot be over 1.5 minutes. For the song, you can choose it from any repertoire but know that there will not be any accompaniment allowed for the song. So practice your vocals and let it shine!
Angelo DelZotto School of Construction Management
Honours Bachelor of Technology
No actual construction experience is required for you to apply to this bachelor program at the School of Construction Management. The program mainly looks at your academic achievements which requires you to have your OSSD or equivalent with your top six being a mix of only university and mixed level courses. Your top six must include university level grade 12 english and at least one university level grade 12 math course. You need at least 60% in both of these two courses and an overall average of 65% for your top six marks. However, it is also recommended that you take basic computer software courses too and calculus and vectors as this will help you with your studies in construction in the case you get accepted.
As you can see, each program varies in what they ask of you when applying and this mainly has to do with the nature of the program. That is why it is super important for you to check your program requirements in the link above to be sure that you are not missing anything. Good luck on your applications you got this!