It’s understandable that many students find it hard juggling school courses while working the regular retail jobs. Working flexible part-time jobs that give significant experience for your future profession seems a lot more tempting, doesn’t it? Thousands of students earn additional income and develop vital skills by working at George Brown. Regardless of your major or year of study, George Brown College offers a broad collection of on-campus part-time job opportunities at each of their campuses. A lot of these job listings can be found at the website GBCareers (George Brown Careers), however, I’m here to break down the general positions they have to offer!
Applied research assistant
For those interested in conducting surveys or analyzing statistics on real-world issues, George Brown College allows students to partake in hands-on research projects for course credit or a paid position as an applied research assistant. This activity allows students to develop essential skills that will be useful in their future careers. The school provides a diverse range of projects in a variety of fields including projects in the Healthcare, Food Science, Digital Design & IT, Fashion Design, and Teaching & Learning departments. This position requires no experience and if you’re looking to apply for a project relevant to your program, Contact your program faculty or email George Brown’s Research and Innovation office directly at research@georgebrown.ca.
Peer coach
Do you want to take on leadership opportunities and positively impact fellow students’ lives while also developing your own skills? Becoming a peer coach at George Brown allows you to do all that. By taking on this part-time position, you will be able to guide students by providing one-on-one support. You will also be required to create and lead outreach activities and workshops on your campus. This provides full-time students who have completed one semester at the school, an opportunity to become a leader while being paid $14 per hour for 6-15 hours a week. If you’re interested in this position, you can email peercommunity@georgebrown.ca or check for job listings at GBCareers at any time.
This position is quite self-explanatory! Full-time George Brown students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher can become an English, Math, or Accounting tutor. You will be required to work diligently with the TLC Tutoring and Learning Centre team to carry out one-on-one and group tutoring sessions to assist your peers in achieving their learning objectives. You will be paid $14 per hour with the ability to work remotely from home during hours scheduled around your class times. To see more requirements to become a tutor, click here. Otherwise, if you feel you are qualified for the role, you can submit your application to TLC at any time using this link.
Student Association of George Brown College (SA)
SA is constantly hiring for a variety of part-time positions. There is a huge range of positions for particular events, clubs, departments, or student-led organizations within George Brown. Some of the positions include Black Students’ Support Staff, LGBTQ Students’ Support Staff, Finance Assistant, and Clubs & Student-led Networks Support Staff, with varied job descriptions and pay rates. The listings are constantly changing, so be sure to visit their job listings or GBCareers frequently in case you come across a position you’re interested in. To find the full instructions on application submissions, please visit this link.
Student Success
George Brown Student Life is an organization that encourages students to participate in active learning and team-building activities to enhance student life. They recruit students to lead and assist with events such as school orientation and engagement programs. Position listings can be found at GBCareers and they are also actively posting job openings on their instagram. This is a great way to get involved on campus and instill joy and excitement in new George Brown students.
Work Study program
Still think you need a more personalized part-time position? Well, now you can seek positions directly in your proggram or department. The Work Study Program provides full-time domestic students on-campus job opportunities. Work study positions allows students to gain part-time jobs in any department by completing a Work Study Program application form and receiving approval from the Financial Assistance Office. These positions can be scouted by reaching out to department faculties or looking at GBCareers for job listings.
George Brown College provides multiple job opportunities that cater to your interests and studies, while also allowing you to develop and hone new skills to benefit your future career. So forget that retail job that has you on your feet during long and demanding shifts. Instead, get involved in part-time jobs on-campus that respect your class and free time. These positions would look much more appealing on your resume!