Western offers many free and paid academic support that students can take advantage of. There are also many resources near campus or off campus that students can use. Read on to find out where to take advantage of these resources!
- Upper Year Students
First and foremost, the best and cheapest option for students is to be-friend upper year students in their program. For example, if you are studying health sciences, know someone a year older in Health Sciences and get their old notes, exam banks, resources, etc. Pick their brain on what courses to take, and who are the best profs. You can even ask to buy their used textbooks at a cheaper price than the market. These little things will go a long way in succeeding academically!
- Prep 101
Prep101 is a paid learning service offered at Western University and is not affiliated with the school. They run tailored in-person lectures for a specific course with a large booklet filled with exercises and practice tests. Students who have taken Prep101 have seen their grade in a specific course increase 15-20%. Prep101 hasn’t been running during the COVID-19 pandemic, but keep your eye out to see what happens in the 2021 school year.
Keep an eye out here.
- Tutors
Hiring a tutor can also be a very effective academic support resources. One-on-one sessions with a tutor are proven to be very helpful. Each faculty has their own list of tutoring services. Therefore, you can do a quick google search with your faculty name and tutoring to find out more information. For example, for Engineering, type in: “Western University Engineering Tutoring” and the first three links all include tutoring information.
- Individual Learning Skills Appointment
Confidential, remote individual appointments with a counsellor are available to help students achieve academic success. This service is free and available to all students at Western University. Individual counselling can benefit both successful students who want to improve performance further or increase efficiency by learning new study strategies, as well as students who are experiencing academic difficulties.
You can book an appointment here.
- Learn2Thrive Program
Learn2Thrive is an academic support aimed to help students thrive both, academically and personally. It is a 10 week program where students will explore building traits like grit, resilience, optimism, gratitude, finding flow, self-compassion and balance. As well as strategies like: maintaining a growth mindset, time management, note-taking, studying, test-taking, essay writing, memory, and managing test stress. The Learn2Thrive program typically starts at the end of January, and will run for 10 consecutive weeks with the exception of a 1-week break for Winter Reading Week. Any undergraduate or graduate student who has completed at least one term of post-secondary studies is eligible to participate. Registrants must be able to participate in all 10 weeks of the program.
Visit here for more information.
- Peer Assisted Learning Centre
Peer Assisted Learning is the place to develop both effective learning strategies and get free, one-to-one, course-specific help. Help is provided by learning peers who are trained, upper-year Western students who have excelled academically, and are ready to help you succeed. You can email learning@uwo.ca using your UWO email address to book an appointment.
You can find more information here.
- Writing Support
Western’s Writing Support Centre offers all kinds of free services to help students in writing. Western Undergrads can book a free 50-minute one-to-one Zoom appointment with a writing advisor. Writing advisors will do the following, review any academic writing assignment, in any genre, across the disciplines. Western Students can also submit their written work online for review. Writing advisors will review the student’s work and email them useful and informed feedback on the writing.
You can book a one-on-one writing appointment here.
You can get online writing assistance here.
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