Academics is of course at the core of every university and so it’s important that when you’re choosing the school you’re going to be learning from for the next 4 or so years that you get the proper support to help you do well in your academics.
At the University of Lethbridge, there are tons of different services and resources to aid you in your academics such as tutoring services, accountability programs and online learning success workshops. It’s important to take advantage of these resources and services while you’re in school because they are there to help you succeed and make the most out of your university experience.
At the University of Lethbridge, if you are looking for any academic support on campus at all such as tutoring services, the University of Lethbridge Student Success Centre is the go-to place for all things related to academic support!
Here are some of the things you can get out of the University of Lethbridge Student Success Centre:
Book a study skills appointment with a Peer Learning Mentor
In a study skills appointment, you are offered support with things such as: study skills and exam prep, time management, reducing procrastination, effective and efficient note-taking, online learning success, creating study groups and so much more!
Attend an academic support workshop
The University of Lethbridge offers a ton of workshops throughout the school year to help you with your learning success. Some workshops they’ve put on are workshops such as time management and study skills, note-taking and reading skills, exam preparation, reducing procrastination, effective study groups, building motivation, and so much more! The workshops offered per semester each year constantly changes so make sure to visit the Student Success Centre’s webpage to see what workshops are available!
Join an Accountability Crew
The Accountability crew is comprised of a group of students who are there to help you stay on track and on top of your studies for the semester. Each Accountability Crew has a Peer Learning Mentor to lead the group. Each week, you and your crew will check in with each other to set your goals, give each other learning advice as well as motivate each other. The Accountability Crew leaders and meetups always change per semester so make sure to check out their webpage to see what crews are available for you to join!
Check out the Success Centre’s online learning success resources page
The University of Lethbridge Student Success Centre has a wonderful online learning success resource page that you can access at any time where you can find some strategies, resources, videos and more to help you navigate through online courses. You can find some information here such as the academic integrity policies, wellbeing, technology support, study space set up, writing and course support and so much more.
Check out a list of tutorial services and other types of supports that are offered for the semester
The Student Success Centre offers a variety of group tutorials and help centre during the spring and fall semester to help you succeed in your academics. The tutorial and help centre offers supports in a wide variety of disciplines such as the different Sciences, Economics, Computer Science, Management, Philosophy and Logic, Writing, and so much more! Check out the webpage every year to see what the help centre’s schedule is like and what tutorials are being offered for the year.
Academic supports are so important because you want to do the very best you can throughout your university years and your school also wants to see you succeed. Take advantage of the variety of academic services and supports that the university offers since these services are technically paid for by you through your tuition and fees and so, they are there to help you with whatever it is that you need. Tutorial and help centres are there to help you improve on the subject matter you are studying as well as give you tips and advice to help you succeed in all of your courses thus, its important to use and access these services throughout your academic life.
We all need help from time to time. Asking for help is a great step to ensuring our growth and helps with our learning. If you are struggling or unsure about the program you are currently in or don’t know what program you want to be in, make sure to also visit the school’s academic advising resources so that you can get some guidance on what path you should take in your university studies.