What often makes your learning experience great are the professors that teach it! Professors really matter when it comes to the subject matter that you are learning. Often times, an instructor can really make or break a topic for you which can be unfortunate in some situations especially if its subject matter that you are interested in.
Say you have a class that you dread taking because it’s not something you’re interested in however, you have to take it in order to meet the requirements for your program or use it as a prerequisite to get into the course that you want or need. If you have an excellent professor that makes even the most bland subject matter interesting, you’re still going to end up aceing that class because your instructor is passionate and excellent.
There are tons of professors at the University of Lethbridge. The University of Lethbridge offers a huge variety of programs, both undergraduate and graduate and thus, they have a wide variety of instructors teaching one or several classes per program. This list of top professors at the University of Lethbridge is just a miniscule feature of excellent professors that teach at the University of Lethbridge. Take a look at this summary of what students have said about these instructors. Hopefully you get lucky enough to be able to take a class or two with some of these instructors!
Dan Kazakoff
Dan is an instructor at the Business department of University of Lethbridge. Students that have taken a class with Dan shared that going to class is important if you want to succeed in Kazakoff’s class. They say its even more important than needing the textbook! Kazakoff is known to be passionate about what he teaches and cares a whole lot about his students. He tells you exactly what would be on the exam so that you do well and thus, this is why attending his lectures are a must. Some classes that Kazakoff teaches at the University of Lethbridge are MGMT1000 and MGMT 3080.
Gretchen Scott
Gretchen is an instructor at the English department of University of Lethbridge. Students that have taken a class with Gretchen say that she is a very funny and caring professor. Gretchen is said to care about her students and just wants to see them all succeed. She is a fair marker and is able to make English something exciting to all of her students. Some classes that Scott teaches at the University of Lethbridge are ENG2500, ENG2300 and ENG1900
Catherine Kingfisher
Catherine is an instructor in the Anthropology department of the University of Lethbridge. Students that have taken Kingfisher’s class have said that you would need to work for the grade that you want. Students say that the classes she teaches may be difficult for some however, Catherine is a caring, knowledgeable and passionate professor who will help you succeed and understand the subject matter. In order to do well in Kingfisher’s courses, you must be able to take good, thorough notes during class. A favorite trait that students love from Kingfisher is that she takes the time to explain concepts. Some classes that Kingfisher teaches at the University of Lethbridge are ANTH2600, ANTH3010.
Stefan Kienzle
Stefan is an instructor in the Geography department of the University of Lethbridge. Students that have taken Kienzle’s classes have said that he knows his stuff very well and takes the time to teach it to you. You need to attend lectures to do well in his classes because his tests are based off of what he says during lectures. Students say that Kienzle leaves you with a better understanding of the world around you. Some classes that Kienzle teaches at the University of Lethbridge are GEO1000 and GEO4740.
Howard Cheng
Howard is an instructor at the Computer Science department of the University of Lethbridge. Students that have taken his classes have said that he wants his students to succeed. He may not be the easiest professor because he makes you work for the grade that you want however, he teaches very well and makes his lectures interesting by relating them to real-world concepts. Some classes that Cheng teaches are CPSC3740, CPSC4310, CPSC2720.
A little disclaimer about this article is that most of this information is found from ratemyprofessors.com. I want to however make sure that everyone knows that the ratings on this site do not always tell the whole story. Your favorite professor is a matter of preference and choice. Don’t be discouraged by some ratings about some professors on this site when you’re choosing your classes. Sometimes, you may not even vibe with a very well-loved professor because their teaching style wasn’t for you and vice versa. We all have our own preferences so take this website with a grain of salt!