There’s a lot more to starting university than picking the right classes and getting excited about your program. Students often have to move to a new city, a new province, and sometimes a new country to pursue post-secondary education. This is just one big change of many experienced by university students. No university student wants to get trapped in a lease living at a place that is less than ideal or a place where the rent is too high. School is expensive enough and there’s lots of competition for scholarships and bursaries, so finding a place with reasonable rent is the goal for many university students. Another good way to ensure your student budget isn’t stretched too thin during the school year is by picking up a part time or casual job. Listed below are some of the best places to live and work while studying at the University of Regina!
U of R Housing Services
The University of Regina has a few different housing options so students can find the perfect living situation for themselves for the school year! The University of Regina has a fantastic housing services for students, which eliminates the stress of commuting to and from campus. With residence options in the Kīšik Towers, La Résidence, College West, Luther College, and the Paskwāw and Wakpá Towers, students are bound to find the perfect housing fit. Living on campus is one of the best ways to ensure that you not only make it to class on time, but that you make the most out of your university experience!
Centennial West Apartments
Located a quick 15 minute walk away from campus, Centennial West Apartments offers comfortable one and two bedroom apartment options.
Regina4Rent has homes, condos, apartments, and townhouses available to rent in all areas of the city at varying prices ranges. They have a wide variety of different types of accommodations, so students are bound to find the perfect off-campus living quarters.
The Lenberne
Just a 30 minute walk or 9 minute bike ride away from campus, The Lenberne offers bachelor suits as well as one and two bedroom apartments. All units come equipped with an air conditioning unit and there is parking available.
Career Centre
The Career Centre can assist students and provide a variety of services, such as job search services, workshops, resume writing, career counseling, and interview preparation.
Human Resources
The best way for students to find employment on campus is through University of Regina’s Human Resources. Many departments on campus reach out to Human Resources to find the right person for casual or part time positions.
UR Careers
UR Careers is a job posting search ran by Human Resources. It’s a great way for students to refine what jobs they are looking for and find the perfect fit. Students can create their own account and can then apply for jobs directly online.