Every university student wants to avoid being a broke university student. Having a bit of extra cash around can help reduce financial worries and allow you to focus on your studies. Picking up a part time job during the school year is not only a great way to earn some extra money but is a great way to gain experience and meet new people! There are a wide variety of jobs that students can get while studying at the University of Saskatchewan. Below are some of the best places to job hunt!
Working on Campus
There are a large variety of jobs on campus that students can acquire throughout the school year and for full time summer employment. One of the best ways to look for jobs on campus is through CareerLink. Accessible through students’ PAWS accounts, CareerLink provides students with an easy way search for on campus job and volunteer opportunities as well as an easy way to sign up for workshops, make appointments with career counsellors, search for job and volunteer opportunities, and find on-campus recruitment. CareerLink is the best resource to use to find work in your field of study.
Restaurants & Shops Across the Street
Along College Drive, across the street from the University of Saskatchewan, there are a variety of businesses that students can apply for jobs at. There’s a Subway, a Dairy Queen, Alexander’s Restaurant and Bar, Holiday Inn & Express Suites, Ishita’s, WOW Pizza, and many others! Many of these businesses will post job ads through the University of Saskatchewan Career Services.
Career Services
A fantastic service at the University of Saskatchewan that helps students with finding jobs or volunteer opportunities, career planning, events, career fairs, resumes building, CV writing, and interviewing. They have fantastic online resources to help students start building their careers.
All USask students have a UPASS as part of their student fees, which allows them to ride the Saskatoon City Transit for free. This is fantastic, as it allows the job search to expand! There are many places to work in the city that are easily reached by bus. Some of the best places to work are also the easiest to commute to, specifically downtown! Some notable downtown Saskatoon businesses are the YWCA, YMCA, Cohen’s, Escape City, Escape Manor, Joyne Marketplace, Scotiabank Theatre, Flint, Cohen’s, and so many more wonderfully unique places.
Midtown Mall
Located in the centre of the city and in the heart of downtown Saskatoon, Midtown Mall is an easy commute to and from the U of S campus. Filled with a wide variety of high end retail and food services, Midtown is a great mall to work at.
Lawson Heights Mall
Located in the North end of the city, Lawson Heights Mall is a quick 15 minute bus ride from the downtown bus terminal. There are many retail and food service options to work at and Lawson Heights Mall often hosts pop-up shops for a variety of businesses.
Centre Mall
Located in the East end of the city Centre Mall contains a movie theatre, a grocery store, Best Buy, and many other retail shops. In addition to having a great bus terminal, Centre Mall also has free underground parking so if you choose to drive while in university there are lots of parking options at this mall.
Confederation Mall
Located in the West end of Saskatoon, Confederation Mall is surrounded by many other retail and grocery stores, like JYSK, Dollarama, Winner’s Dollar Tree, Tim Horton’s, Little Caesar’s, and Canadian Tire.
Broadway Avenue
Located a two minute walk away from the South Saskatchewan River and just off Broadway Bridge, Broadway Avenue is lined with many wonderful clothing stores, coffee shops, restaurants, and other delightful retail stores. One of the liveliest areas in Saskatoon, there is always something interesting going on down Broadway Avenue.
In conclusion, there are many wonderful places to work both on and off campus. The university of Saskatchewan is located close to the centre of the city of Saskatoon, so it allows for easy commutes to and from different areas of Saskatoon.