You may be considering getting a job while taking some classes at university. That being said, you probably don’t want to work too far from your university. It will be difficult for you to travel back and forth between your job and your classes. Fortunately, Redeemer University has several jobs right on campus and right near it so you don’t have to travel far to work.
On-Campus Employment
Would you believe that this university offers a work program to students like you? Well, of course, they do! The work program at Redeemer University provides students with a way to earn some money to help with their university expenses. For the fall and winter semesters, students who qualify for the program will work part-time for a maximum of ten hours a week to help them keep a balance between work and school. As part of this program, you will earn minimum wage and an additional 4% vacation pay.
Did I just say vacation pay? Yes, you read it correctly! As a full-time employee, you would normally receive this but as part of this university’s employment program, you can still receive your vacation pay as a part-time employee. The reason for this is because in the summer months once the winter term is over, you may be able to work full-time during the summer. Of course, it depends on whether your position is needed over the summer.
Interested in finding out which departments hire students? I’ve got the list for you! The Library, Maintenance, Information Technology Computer Help Desk, Athletic Centre, Office (Clerical), Student Life, Janitorial, and Audiovisual (sound and lighting for events), are the departments that employ students. The job positions within these departments cover a wide range of options, which ensures that you are not put working in a position that you are not comfortable with. To browse the list of job openings and apply, just create a profile on the Hire Redeemer website and you can also sign up for alerts when new positions are posted.
Now that you’ve found out you’ll be receiving minimum wage, you’re probably wondering what exactly you’ll need to do to get paid, am I right? If I were you, I’d definitely be curious too. All you have to do to get paid is submit your monthly timesheet through the online portal you’ll be using to get your direct deposit once a month.
You can find more information about qualifications, available jobs, and any other inquiries you may have on the On-Campus Employment section on Redeemer’s website.
Off-Campus Employment
Another option that many students choose is to find a job off-campus, especially if they do not meet the requirements for the on-campus employment program. On-campus employment is designed to provide students seeking financial assistance with an opportunity to earn money to help cover university expenses. So it’s understandable that some of you may not qualify for the program, but don’t worry, there are employment options available to you in close proximity to your campus.
As this university is surrounded by more houses than shops and plazas, your employment options may be limited, unless you don’t mind hopping onto a bus for a few minutes of course. Nonetheless, there are a few places near campus that could potentially hire when school begins, mostly because these companies know that some students are likely to be seeking employment during their school year. Some of these companies that are walking distance away from the campus include the Eagle Classic Golf Centre, the Hamilton Fire Department, some local churches, and local elementary schools.
You can commute by bus or bicycle for a few minutes to a plaza where there is an abundance of places to work. Among the businesses, there are fast-food restaurants (McDonald’s, Subway, A&W), a grocery store, banks (CIBC, TD Bank), and several department stores (Best Buy, Michaels, Costco, etc.). Despite not being in as close proximity as you would like, you will still be able to work at any of those locations without having to travel to the busy downtown area. I’d say you’re pretty fortunate.
There are also websites and social media platforms you can use to find local job opportunities. A few of these online resources include LinkedIn (a social media platform), Indeed, Workopolis, Monster.ca, and many others. These websites are highly recommended by numerous others due to the fact that they allow you to filter jobs by pay range, job type, location, and language. As well as, these websites are relied upon by many people to help them gain employment.
Where do we go from here?
Perhaps more stores will open near campus over the next few years, making it easier for you to apply for jobs. In the meantime, I suggest finding out if you qualify for the on-campus employment program since it will be more convenient for you to work on the same campus where you take classes. In case you’re not eligible, don’t worry, there are plenty of jobs that are close by, so you can easily get a job and earn extra income.
There are jobs out there for you; all you have to do is put yourself out there. Best of luck!