Are you a Grade 12 student looking to apply to Western University? Are you worried about grade cut offs and necessary entrance averages? Read on to find out key information you need to know before applying.
- Find the necessary entrance averages and course requirements for your program
Depending on which province you reside in, the entrance averages differ. Some programs require supplementary materials to an application. Be sure to conduct your own research on if your desired program requires supplementary application materials.
Please refer to this link to find out the average for your province.
If you are from Ontario, simply refer to this chart.
- How to Apply
For all students both in-province, out-of-province and international, apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Center (OUAC).
The deadline for Ontario students submitting applications is January 15th. The absolute latest deadline for all other applicants is June 1st, however, admission acceptances will be on a rolling basis starting in January. Space is limited so it is recommended to apply earlier on in the year in the fall and early winter months.
- Fees
For Ontario high school students, the application fee is $150 CAD payable to OUAC. For all other students, the fee is $156 CAD plus a single non-refundable evaluation fee of $93.50 CAD, payable to the OUAC.
- Program Specific Application Materials and Requirements
Depending on which program you are applying to, you may need to submit additional materials to be considered.
Please refer here to find out more information.
- Wait to be accepted!
Once you have spent considerable time on your application and have successfully applied, all you can do is hope for the best and wait to see if you get in! Expect acceptances to come out from January onwards.