Following the faith of Christianity will put you a step closer to getting into this school. There are, of course, other requirements you need to meet before you can be accepted into the program of your choice. Whether you are applying to an undergraduate or post-graduate program, you need to know what is expected of you before this university can offer you admission.
When attending this school, there are also several other things to keep in mind. As with every post-secondary institution, this university has its own different environment, so if you’re planning on attending, you might want to learn what to expect.
Now, let’s find out how you can get into this school!
Admission Process & Requirements
In order to be admitted to any postsecondary school, not just this one, you are required to meet the requirements for the program you are applying for. Depending on the type of student you are, this university’s website has made it easier for you to access the information you need. You can choose from categories such as Ontario Students, Homeschool Students, Mature Students, International Students, and many others. In this way, instead of seeing the information provided for every type of student, you will only be able to see the information that’s tailored to you.
Listed in each category are the minimum requirements for just being qualified to apply to the university. Depending on the category you select, you will also find additional information about program requirements, transcripts, language, study permits, and more.
Maybe you’re a homeschool student who would like to know what requirements you need to meet to be admitted to the school. Well in your category, you’ll find that you can apply online through Redeemer’s website for a small fee. Along with your application, you are required to submit your CLT scores, ACT scores, or SAT scores, as well as your self-recorded homeschool transcript.
If you are an international student, you probably want to know what to do in order to get accepted to this school. For your category, you will also find that you are able to apply via Redeemer’s website for a fee. A few other documents must also be submitted, such as your transcripts, test scores (ACT, CLT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, CAEL, DET scores), and your application for a study permit.
For postgraduate programs, there is also the Bachelor of Education degree admissions category to view your admission requirements. Within this category you will find that you can apply online through Redeemer’s website for a fee, as well as you will also be required to submit your transcripts and references. The other requirements include obtaining a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, achieving a minimum GPA, and having expertise working with children. Other additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education’s degree are listed in its category on Redeemer’s website.
Make sure to review the list of programs so you know what the requirements are for getting into the program you choose. Even though it is important to meet the school’s standard requirements, you also need to check to ensure you meet the program’s requirements as well or else you won’t be able to land your dream job.
Extracurricular Activities
You may not find this in the ‘program requirements’ on postsecondary schools’ websites, but participating in extracurricular activities in high school may give you a better chance of admission to the school. While I am still in my undergraduate year, I’ve met many people who said they joined many clubs and joined many volunteer projects in order to be more likely to get offers from universities.
As for myself, I wasn’t very involved in many extracurricular activities in highschool. Although I got into some of the universities I wanted, I also got rejected from a few others. There were some friends of mine whose grade average was about the same as mine, but who had volunteered a lot more and as a result, they got into those universities that rejected me.
Colleges and universities like their students to be involved on campus and knowing that the candidates they offer a spot to have volunteered at their previous school instills confidence that they’ll continue to do so at this school as well. Having said that, don’t worry too much if you did not volunteer at your high school because I’m sure once you meet the requirements for the program, you’ll be accepted. However, if you are reading this and still have time before you start applying to postsecondary schools, including Redeemer, you should volunteer more at your high school, your community, or your church.
What Do You Know About This University
It would be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with everything this school has to offer if you plan to attend. I understand that it may take you a while to find out all the tricks for exploring the campus, and getting a feel for the school.
Since you are not a student here, you don’t know what to expect from living on campus. In residence, you are only permitted to live in a communal environment which helps to encourage self-governance, but also gives opportunities to live with people who care about your well-being. In addition, there is a tradition of having a family dinner every night with your roommates/housemates. By doing this, you will be able to build a strong bond/connection with each other.
A bond can be built not only through living together, but also by sharing a common faith. At Redeemer University, you will be able to worship the Lord and sing hymns in harmony with your friends. There is also a student-run group called Rooted Worship that uses praying together to unite the campus and surrounding areas by using the power of following Christ through monthly worship services. You can make this worship service a tradition for you and your friends to attend since it is only once a month. It can be an opportunity for all of you to spend some quality time together since you may all have different school/work schedules.
You can find out more about this school by doing some online research about what you can expect from their campus and student life.
What happens now?
Perhaps you could talk to one of the office administrators or councillors at this school as well as the councillors at your own high school if you have some doubts about getting into this university. Having these doubts is understandable since this is a nerve-wracking experience. As a student in high school, applying to a university puts you one step closer to a more independent and mature life.
Don’t worry, you’ve got this! Redeemer University will be happy to have you enrolled in their programs. Good luck to everyone!