Getting into McGill is no easy task! That is why, below, I am going to compile a list of tips for prospective applicants to consider before applying to McGill. These will help you have a better understanding of what it really takes to be accepted into McGill, and how you can further improve your chances while you are still in highschool.
Tip #1: Get Good Grades
This goes without saying, but you need to be getting good grades – especially in Grade 12. McGill is known to have the highest admission averages out of any of the Canadian schools, so you must be on top of your A game. For example, last year, the cutoff for the Management program was 93% while the cutoff for the Biological, Biomedical and Life Sciences Group was 94.9%! With little room for error in your highschool transcript, I advise students to research university admission cut-offs early on during their highschool years to avoid any last minute panic regarding grade cut-offs and to be well-prepared to obtain excellent grades.
Tip #2: Know what you are interested in
Knowing what you are interested in will help students excel in high school courses, and will ultimately lead to better grades, which will help your cause for a successful application to McGill. Being influenced by parents and our understanding of what constitutes a “successful” career often shades our perception of what we are interested in, and it is important to pursue what you are interested in, which will do wonders for your application and your time at McGill.
Tip #3: Talk to people that go to McGill
If you have a strong desire to attend McGill, it is helpful to talk to current students and alumni to get a better understanding of what it really takes. Although there is this perception that McGill is solely based on good grades, there are certain programs that require more than just grades, such as Architecture. In this case, it would be a good idea to talk to a current student and/alumni to bounce ideas and obtain feedback on facets of your application.
Tip # 4: Be conscious of your status
It is important to note that McGill is very much an international school, with the most international students of any Canadian university. Therefore, admission requirements vary based on geographical academic backgrounds. For example, a student from the U.S needs to submit an ACT score, while a student from China will need to provide SATI and SATII scores. Keeping this in mind, students should do as much research as possible to increase their chances of gaining admission into McGill.
Tip# 5: Don’t Stress
All students have been here. You click the submit button on your application and you fall into this endless nightmare of constantly thinking of whether you will get in or will flat out get rejected. Some advice – do NOT do this. Instead, I preach students to relax and enjoy their final year of secondary studies! Go to prom, go on your grad trip and enjoy graduation. Panicking and stressing about it won’t do you any good!