Getting a university education is only the first step towards your career goals, but it can be difficult to see where your education will take you when you’re focused on passing your classes. Below is a brief history of the University of Regina along with five of the most notable alumni from the U of R to inspire you throughout your educational journey!
Located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, the University of Regina is located along Wascana Centre, one of the largest parks in North America. The Regina College was founded in 1911 with only twenty-seven students. By 1925 it was associated with the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and in 1934 the Regina College was controlled by the University of Saskatchewan.
In 1974, the University of Regina became its own official degree-granting university. The University of Regina was also the first Western Canadian university to offer students a co-operative education program in arts, science, engineering, and business. The U of R is a rich institution with diverse program options, offering students a close-knit community and smaller campus size.
Ken Ottenbreit BAdmin’80
One of the most notable alumni from the U of R, Ken Ottenbreit is the founder and organizer of New York City’s annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research. Started in 1994, this run brings thousands of people to Central Park each year. In the past two decades, the run has raised almost $3 million dollars for cancer research.
Shawna Argue BASc’87
Argue is currently the director of Registration for the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan. Her work in her field was groundbreaking and paved the way for many other women interested in a career in engineering
Gary Drummond BA’72
Gary is a founding partner in Direct Energy and has also been the President and CEO for Direct Energy Marketing Limited. Passionate about sports, Gary has raised over 1 million dollars for the University of Regina athletics teams and is also a founding partner of the CFL’s upcoming 10th franchise, the Atlantic Schooners.
Dr. Geoffrey Taylor BSc’74 with distinction
Dr. Taylor pioneered work in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and the control and prevention of infectious diseases. He co-founded the HIV clinic at the University of Alberta Hospital and currently serves as the director of the Infection Control Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital and Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton.
Guy Vanderhaeghe BEd’78
A celebrated author, Vanderhaeghe has written multiple award-winning historical novels. He is also a member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, a recipient of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts, and an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Knowing a little bit about your future university is a great way to prepare for your post-secondary education! Below is a brief history that all prospective and new students should know about the University of Regina.