Algonquin College offers an array of organizations and clubs, you’ll be able to find one that’s a perfect fit for you! Organizations and clubs are one of the best ways to get involved on campus while also meeting life long friends. There is an organization for everyone whether you are interested in cultural clubs, sports and fitness, social clubs, philanthropic organizations and even program related clubs! Check out some of the clubs listed below and see if there’s one that catches your eye.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions there may be slight changes for different clubs and organizations. Call (613)727-4723 x5589 Or contact Cheryl MacEwen, Manager, Ahelic Operations, Email: macewec@algonquincollege.com (613) 727-4723 x7709, for updates on club and organizations restrictions.
Sports, Games and Fitness
- Chess Club
- AC Salsa
- Algonquin HEMA
- Algonquin Climbing Club
- Algonquin Dance Club
Philanthropic Clubs
Joining a philanthropic club is not only good for the soul, but it is always a great asset on a resume! You will learn essential skills that will aid you in many aspects of your life including future careers.
- Hilarity for Charity
- Algonquin’s Relay for Life
Cultural Clubs
As we know, the transition to college can be difficult for many. At Algonquin College there are a variety of cultural clubs to join where you are able to connect with like minded individuals who share a similar background and traditions as you, for many this is a home away from home and brings support for the upcoming school year.
- French Immersion and Conversational Studies Club
- Algonquin College Chinese Students Alliance
- Chinese Cultural Club
- Muslim Students of Algonquin
- Mandarin Bible Study Club
Social Clubs
- AC Founders
- Ping Pong Club
- 2LGBTQ+ Community
- Algonquin College Esports
- Advent Hope ACF
- Tabletop RPG Club
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Atmaya Ottawa Youth Club
- AC Music Club
- Passion Club
- Indian Students Society
- Bhangra Warriors
Intramurals are one of the best ways to play sports and meet new friends. Find the perfect sport for you, you can join an existing team or you can create your own!
There are many different intramural sports available at Algonquin and some of those include:
- Ball Hockey
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Indoor Soccer
- Open Badminton
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Touch Football
- Open Time
- Cricket
Fitness Zone
- There is a full gym, with personal training, fitness zones and fitness classes available for students and staff.
Varsity Teams for both Men and Women
Tryouts for varsity teams are open to all full-time students and must fill out the Player Registration Form.
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Rugby
All Algonquin College varsity teams are under the Ontario Athletics Association and these athletes compete province wide. There are more details about season schedules at Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA). You can also contact Mike Ciolfi, Facility and Equipment Coordinator at ciolfim@algonquincollege.com.
Program Related Clubs
Algonquin College offers program related clubs and organizations you can join. Program related organizations are extremely beneficial, as it is important to know other people in your classes. Unfortunately at one point or another, you may have to miss class due to personal reasons or sickness, having friends in your classes will benefit you as they can fill you in on what has happened in class and they will be able to provide you with notes! Some of the program related organizations are listed below.
- Algonquin Supply Chain Management Club: Anyone studying or interred in supply chain management
- Software Engineering Club
- Investors Club
- WICS: The Women in Computer Sciences Club
- MRT Study Club 2021
It can be difficult to find the perfect club or organization for you. Sometimes we do not even know a club exists, luckily Algonquin has a Clubfest each year. Clubfest is a way for the clubs of Algonquin to show off their clubs to the rest of the students at AC. It is hre you can walk through booths, talk to the leaders of these clubs and join them right at their tables. This happens every January, and the specific date will be released at a later time.