We know that going to post secondary can be challenging for new students, and it is important to know what resources and services you have available at your new school. Saint Paul University provides a variety of services and accommodations for students who need it.
Indigenous Initiatives Service
At Saint Paul University they offer First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and staff the support they need, they increase awareness among the SPU community. This initiative is put into place to create a safe place for Indigenous students, Saint PAul provides resources to help these students excel in their academics, spiritual and personal life.
Pastoral Services
Saint Paul University is a Catholic school where pastoral services take place and they are extremely important to the staff and students who attend. The pastoral services are from Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 am to 12:00pm.
Counselling and Psychotherapy
The well-being of students and staff members at Saint Paul University is important, and they know that many students will need help especially with all the new transitions happening in each of their lives. Counselling is provided in both English and French, and these services are provided by counselling interns at the doctoral level in Counselling and Spirituality.
The Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons
Saint Paul would like to raise awareness and would like to end the threat and trauma that sexually abused people have faced within the church and society. Saint Paul does this by prevention through formation, healing assistance for survivors, victims and families. They also strive for justice and reconciliation. Free webinars, international conferences and workshops are provided in order to promote safeguarding.