La Cité offers a variety of bursaries and scholarships to help out their students financially. We know how expensive college can be, and La Cité does not want the stress of finances to ruin your college experience, therefore, La Cité offers financial assistance to those students who qualify, over $1 Million awarded annually to students in financial need.
Entrance Scholarship of $500
The scholarship is awarded within the first month of the session. There is certain criteria you must meet:
- You have to be a full time student with a full time course load.
- You must be a first time student at La Cité in a post-secondary program.
- You must receive financial assistance from your provincial plan (ex. OSAP) this must be finished and submitted before the 10th day of your first class.
The Ontario First Generation Scholarship: 23 scholarships of $1,000
This scholarship is awarded to those students in need of financial assistance and who are the first generation of their families that are applying to post secondary schooling. This scholarship is given by the Government of Ontario and through the Ministry of Universities and colleges.
- You must be a first generation student, and your parents must not have completed any post secondary studies anywhere.
- You must be a resident of Ontario.
- You must be enrolled in the program at La Cité.
- You must not be receiving any assistance under the Second Career program.
- You must require a greater tpo or equal amount of financial assistance than the scholarship amount.
- Here is the form Complete the online form.
Scholarships of $1,000 classes in dual credit
Five bursaries of $1,000 annually to those students that have completed a dual credit course. The student must be enrolled as a full-time student within the first year of their studies at post secondary institutions, the intent must be to receive a baccalaureate at La Cité or diploma. Four different students will be selected to win the scholarship for the beginning of September and in December for the second semester starting in January. Deadlines: September: June 1st 2021, January: December 1st 2021. Link to complete online: Complete the ONLINE form “DRC-September” scholarship
- You must be a permanent resident and or a Canadian Citizen.
- You must be enrolled in full-time studies at La Cité.
- You must have completed a dual credit course.
- You must have a financial need greater or equal to the scholarship that is being awarded.
- 150 word text explaining how the dual credit was a positive element, added value and the lived experience.
More scholarships:
- CNFS (National Health Training Consortium – La Cité component)
- EFC Foundation (Electro-Federation Canada)
- J Delta Management Solutions scholarships
- Dr. E Bruce Hendrick Ontario Scholarship
There are detailed lists and information about more scholarships that are not listed here, under the financial aid tab https://www.collegelacite.ca/
If you need financial assistance in order to go to college, please do not hesitate to reach out to your financial aid office. Everyone wants to see you succeed, and La Cité is here to support you, you’ve got this, goodluck!