Alot of the most popular courses at Ontario Tech – as they are at all universities and colleges, are “easy” electives. We to dive into some of the courses that students here strongly suggest taking if you want a GPA boost.
Environmental Science – ENVS 1000U:
This course examines the physical, biological, economic, and social components of environmental science to present its conceptual, multidisciplinary framework. Environmental issues and scientific concepts will be discussed, as well as ecological principles such as ecosystems, nutrient cycles, spatial ecology, climate, and biodiversity. Other topics include, resources and sustainability, climate change, pollution, energy, agriculture and food production, waste management and remediation and lastly prevention of environmental degradation. It accounts for 3 credit hours and typically comes with a 3 hour lecture.
Pop Culture – COMM 3250U:
Through case studies of advertisements, films, TV shows, video games, comic books, music, celebrities, and more, this course examines and applies conflicting ideas of popular culture in society. Students will learn to comprehend, interpret, and critically examine pop culture in this course. This course also typically has a 3 hour lecture associated with it and accounts for 3 credit hours.
Introductory Psychology – PSYC 1000U:
Students will learn about the study of human thinking and behaviour in this course. Students will develop a greater understanding of why individuals think and behave the way they do via a study of important ideas, concepts, and research findings from a range of areas within psychology. The history of psychology, research techniques, sensation and perception, learning, memory, emotion and motivation, consciousness, stress and health, social effects, developmental aspects, psychological disorders and therapy are only a few examples of typical subjects.
Impact of Science and Technology on Society – SSCI 1470U:
Students will analyse scientific and technical advancements from the perspective of broader societal implications in this course. Special attention will be made to contentious issues that are currently gaining media attention, but the main focus will be on critical thinking regarding both the prevention and treatment of existing problems, as well as the avoidance of future issues Students will be taught to consider about global effects in addition to Canadian examples because large-scale problems do not respect national boundaries.
Introductory Sociology – SOCI 1000U:
The discipline’s principles, theories, and techniques for this course are introduced and explored, with a focus on the dynamics of Canadian society and social problems. Sociology is the study of individuals and their interactions with one another and with other social groupings. This course examines individuals’s lives, their interactions with society as a whole, and how people are influenced by their surroundings.
Business Communications – BUSI 1020U:
Effective communication is essential for company success. When working with colleagues, clients, customers, and others, it is critical for businesspeople to use the appropriate language. This will include proper language, style, and audience consideration in their messages. Students will also improve their ability to talk and present. Library research, business manners, and other skills will be covered throughout the course. Students will learn how to write summaries, letters, memos, job-search papers, and reports in an effective manner.
Astronomy I – PHY 2900U:
The origin, development, and structure of the solar system and its members, as well as extra-solar planets, are all discussed. Simultaneously, the course builds a fundamental observational, theoretical, and quantitative grasp of astronomy. This course is intended for all students who have a basic understanding of science.
Overall these courses seem to really have reputations for being fun and requiring no background on their content. This is exactly why electives can be so much fun, not only are you helping to boost your GPA but you can be an engineering major and learn about psychology, it’s awesome to see the various combinations and possibilities of courses that people can take.