Every post-secondary institute has those few courses that students absolutely love taking to either boost their GPA or simply because of the excitement of the content of the course. College doesn’t have to always be stressful and difficult, it can be fun and relaxing too. The courses listed below are surely some that you’ll want to take if you choose to attend this college:
MKTG 1200 – Marketing I
Marketing 1 is considered the first of two courses in a two-part introduction to marketing aimed to provide students a solid foundation in the discipline. The course is essentially broken down into four sections: marketing process and surroundings, marketing planning and data gathering methods, buyer behaviour and targeting techniques, and marketing mix. The development of integrated marketing strategies that contribute to the achievement of corporate goals is emphasised.
ACAB 1200 – Animal Behavior
This course offers students a scientific overview of animal behaviour research. The influence of evolution, genetics, and physiology on animal behaviour will be discussed. Students can use what they learn in this course to their future encounters with animals in their chosen job sector. An introduction to training and behaviour modification is built on the foundations of cognition, motivation, and learning theory.
GNED 1101 – Leadership and Motivation
While leadership is still a moving concept that means different things to different people, its universal goals are to influence lives and foster a culture of trust, development, and growth. This course examines how leaders must respond to a wide range of opposing value systems and motivations. Students will investigate different approaches to leadership theory and practise. They’ll look at both traditional and new approaches to leadership. Students will examine, clarify, and express their basic beliefs as well as create a sense of self-direction, critical thinking, and personal effectiveness by exploring concepts such as “creating new habits of thought” and “leading from within.”
GNED 1214 – Children’s Literature
This course will provide students with a multi-faceted understanding of the stories that bring enchantment into children’s lives. Students will participate in exams, journal writing, opinion processing, and oral presentations to examine and evaluate course content utilising written and vocal abilities. Students will get a thorough understanding of current trends in children’s literature and how children react to them. Students will investigate a worldwide perspective on children’s storytelling from many cultures.
FBGO 1400 – Fire Behavior and Ground Operation
Students learn how to put on and take off protective clothes, how to put on and take off self-contained breathing apparatus, and how to tie and utilise knots. Hoses, appliances, and the installation of ladders and ladder carry are also covered in the course. This course explains how fire works, from ignition through extinguishment due to a lack of fuel or oxygen. Fire is investigated from both a physical and a chemical perspective. The stages and classifications of fire, as well as identifiable occurrences, are investigated, as are techniques of heat/fire propagation and fire management and extinguishment.
CULI 1200 – Culinary Theory I
This course introduces students to the basic ideas and principles of food and bake preparation. Students learn about the structure of a professional kitchen, kitchen positions, culinary terminology, professional cooking equipment, and fundamental ingredient categorization, origin, and quality. In terms of ingredient sourcing, availability, and selection, the “Field to Fork” idea is emphasised. Students will also learn about obtaining ingredients from around the world, weights and measurements, manufacturing needs, and cooking and baking techniques.
There are a plethora of courses that students can enjoy while also keeping in the back of their mind that these will in most cases also be beneficial to their GPA. The best way to learn about courses like this is to take time and join student groups online or in real life and talk to your peers. The social scene at Durham is known to be friendly, so don’t be shy to say “hi”!