Psychology and Neuroscience is one of the best-ranked programs at Dalhousie University. But how do you get there in the first place? Let me break it down for you.
Applying to Dalhousie University you must first meet the general admission requirements and the program-specific admission requirements. The general requirements are completion of Grade 12, a minimum overall average of 70% in 5 academic Grade 12 courses and a final grade of at least 70% in Grade 12 academic English and any other required subjects.
This is the first checkpoint you need to pass before you’re admitted to your program.
Didn’t make the general admission requirements?
Don’t lose hope! You may still be eligible for one of the upgrading and pathway programs. These pathways give students the option to take an alternative route in their application to Dalhousie. There are four options available in total but not everyone is eligible for all of the options.
To help students obtain the prerequisites they need for the program they want, they can take the required courses through Dalhousie University.
This option is open to applicants who identify as African Nova Scotian or Indigenous. The transition year program is under the Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development.
3. Indigenous Student Access Pathway
This is a one-year program open to First Nations, Metis and Inuit students who would not be eligible for admission to Dalhousie under the current high school minimum. This pathway grants successful candidates university credit courses.
Some universities and colleges outside of Dalhousie also offer upgrading programs. Completing certain courses at these institutions gives students the equivalent courses to apply to Dalhousie University. Students can also take the missing courses through an online high school such as Virtual High School.
For students that did make the general admission requirement.
Congratulations on passing the first checkpoint! Now it’s time to check the admission requirements by program. Both psychology and neuroscience are programs under the department of science, interested students would have to apply to the department of Science. Applicants generally apply to two or three program options. However, for psychology and neuroscience, the requirements are the same.
The program-specific requirements are higher than the general admission requirements.
Students need a minimum overall average of 75% and completed Grade 12 academic English, Grade 12 Pre-calculus Math and three additional academic subjects. Minimum final grades for English and Math is 65% with a minimum average of 60% required in the other subjects.
It is recommended that students take two science subjects.
What does this mean?
Students at the grade 12 level need to take at least 5 courses. To be considered for this program the student needs a final overall average of 75%. Beyond that, students need to receive at least a 65% in their English and Math courses. If a student receives below a 65% in either then they are no longer considered since they did not meet the minimum requirement.
Accepted into Psychology/Neuroscience
You completed all the steps and now you’re an official Dalhousie University student ready to study psychology/neuroscience. Well kind of…
To earn a Bachelors of Psychology/Neuroscience in the future there are specific courses that students need to take to apply to gain admission to the Minor, Major or Honours programs.
This takes a lot of planning and time. Current psychology program requirements and current neuroscience program requirements.