If you’re wondering something about BCIT, chances are you can look it up online. If that’s too time consuming for you, maybe you clicked on this article and are hoping you’ll find more than one answer in one place. Congrats. You’ve made it to a quick Q and A all about BCIT. Get ready to learn some answers!
Q: What’s a Polytechnic, anyways?
A: It’s a not-quite University. Polytechnics are suited towards really preparing students to be competent in a few things. It’s all about practical education, like this Maclean’s article notes.
Q: What programs or courses can I take at BCIT?
A: BCIT has 6 core areas of study. You won’t find any history or arts at this school; instead, you’ll find Applied and Natural Sciences, Business and Media, Computing and Information Technology, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Trades and Apprenticeships. For all the programs under each of these core areas, click here.
Q: What percentage of BCIT degree graduates get employed?
A: 99%! It’s a major win for the school!
Q: Where can I find entrance requirements?
A: Here! Do note that entrance requirements vary for each specific program, so if you’re leaning towards something you’ll want to check out the site individually. However, English requirements are the same across the board. You need either English 12 or an equivalent course and two years of full-time education in English in an English-speaking country OR show that you are proficient by taking a test such as ISEP, PELD, etc. For complete English requirements check out this web page.
Q: Does tuition stay the same every year?
A: Sometimes. BC post-secondary institutions have the ability to increase tuition by 2% per year; however, this doesn’t always happen. BCIT will make this information available every August on the first of the month. For exact tuition costs and calculations, click here.
Q: Do I have to pay a deposit when I accept an offer to a full-time program?
A: Yes. You have to pay a commitment fee so BCIT will save a seat for you. This guarantees your spot. For trades programs, this fee is $200. For technology programs, this fee is $500. For international applicants, this fee is $3,000.
Q: Do I have to pay a deposit when I accept an offer for a part-time program?
A: No. You will pay all fees for your part-time program when you register, either by debit card (in-person only), cheque or money, online banking (bill payment), or letter of sponsorship authorization. For more information about part-time registration and payments, click here.
Q: Are there additional fees not included in tuition that I will have to pay?
A: Yes. Additional fees include U-Pass BC (for transit), books and supplies, medical insurance coverage, computer hardware and software, coveralls for Burnaby campus students, application and late fees, and miscellaneous fees. These are different by program, so be sure to check if you need anything additional that will come at an extra cost. For more about additional fees, see here.
Q: What is living in housing like?
A: Generally, housing is split up into co-ed or single gender, and most students like the choice. Students say that the wifi is pretty decent since an ethernet cable runs underneath the Burnaby campus, but this can depend on a few things. For more info on housing, check out our other article here or this Reddit forum.
Q: What is the BCIT Learning Hub? How do I log in?
A: The BCIT learning hub is on Brightspace by D2L, which is essentially a learning platform. Your professors will use the Learning Hub to post assignments and important information, and you
Will be able to review your exam scores, participate in online discussions, and more. In order to log in, you will need to have a BCIT email and a password, which you will be able to access once you are a student enrolled at BCIT. If you want to know more about the Learning Hub, you can check it out here.
Q: What is myBCIT? How do I login?
A: myBCIT is a hub for you to be able to view and manage your courses, find schedules for different semesters, access fees and official communication such as letters and emails. You also receive access to your BCIT email. To login, it’s the same process as the BCIT learning hub. You must be a registered student to use this feature. Learn more here.
These are some basic questions and answers that will help you navigate BCIT better. It’s common to have a lot of questions, and hopefully this guide will help you!