Congratulations on your acceptance to Douglas College! If you’re looking for some guidance in applying for awards, bursaries, and scholarships, you’ve come to the right place! The Douglas College awards website has extended information and a full, exhaustive list of everything available, so please be sure to check that out. If you are an international student, information will be available to you here.
The Basics:
Douglas College has three types of funding available: awards, bursaries and scholarships. Awards recognize student achievement, contribution to the community, or a combination of the two with demonstrated financial need. Bursaries are non-repayable funds geared towards student who demonstrate financial need. As they are only supplemental funding, please note that you may not receive fund payment until the middle of the application term due to a high volume of activity. Finally, scholarships are awarded for academic success, and usually includes a GPA requirement.
Where to Apply:
For all awards, bursaries, and scholarships, please apply through MyAccount.
Deadlines to Apply:
Awards: September 1- October 1; January 1- February 1; May 1- June 1
Bursaries: Same as awards
Scholarships: January 1- February 1
Please note that these dates reflect the most current year (2021) and are subject to change. For updated information please check the website linked above.
Eligibility (information copied from website):
- Are a returning domestic student.
- Have completed at least 9 Douglas College academic credits of letter graded credit courses.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.67 (B-) or higher. (75% average)
- Are a full-time student in the term for which the award will be received, unless otherwise stated in the award.
- Participation in college and community activities may also be considered.
- Are a credit student.
- Are in good academic standing & have a minimum CGPA of 1.50.
- Are a full-time or part-time student in the term for which the bursary will be received, as stated in the individual bursary qualifications.
- Participation in college and community activities may also be considered.
- Are a returning domestic student.
- Have completed at least 9 Douglas College academic credits of letter graded credit courses.
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) or higher.
- Are a full-time student in the term for which the scholarship will be received, unless otherwise stated in the scholarship.
- Participation in college and community activities may also be considered.
Other Important Information:
Don’t forget to always “agree” to the T&C (terms and conditions) each time you open your application(s).
Entrance Awards:
Coquitlam 1991 BC Summer Games Award: This fund was created as part of the legacy provided by the 1991 BC Summer Games, held in Coquitlam. The award is available to a graduate of Centennial High School, with a minimum 75% in all Grade 11 and 12 courses (a high school transcript must be attached to the application). There should be evidence (a letter of recommendation) of involvement in school or community athletic activities.
Douglas College 50th Anniversary Entrance Award: The Douglas College 50th Anniversary Entrance Award was created to recognize students who are new to Douglas College from secondary school or other post-secondary institution. It also recognizes students who excel in their studies and contribute to their community through contributions to the promotion of social justice and truth and reconciliation.
Y.P Heung Foundation Entrance Award: The Y.P. Heung Foundation created this fund in 2019 to address the rising cost of post-secondary tuition fees and the general challenge of “affordability” in all major urban centers in the Province of BC. The funds will create academic awards to encourage and support new entrants in their venture into post-secondary education. The Y.P. Heung Foundation believes that through education, the gap of inequality in the future will be reduced, thus enhancing the economic performance of the overall community.
For a full list of entrance awards please click here.
Burnaby NOW Bursary: In 2002 Canwest Publishers Trust established two bursary endowments through the Douglas College Foundation. The Maple Ridge News Bursary and the Burnaby News Leader Bursary. In 2015 the Burnaby New Leader was absorbed by the Glacier Media Group and the fund was renamed the Burnaby NOW Bursary. The purpose of this bursary is to recognize and reward students in any program at Douglas College who demonstrate a financial need.
Canada 150 Bursary: In celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday, in 2017, Douglas College Foundation created this bursary in support of Douglas College students, enrolled in any program, who are facing financial barriers to their education.
Douglas Students’ Union Emergency Bursary: The Douglas Students’ Union Emergency Bursary was established in 2003. The Emergency Bursary Fund is designed to assist members with unexpected and immediate emergency needs for which no other sources of funds are available.
For a full list of bursaries please click here.
Entrance Scholarships:
President’s Entrance Scholarships: Established by the Douglas College Office of the President in 1992, the President’s Entrance Scholarship initially provided eight (8) tuition waiver scholarships for local (New Westminster & Tri-Cities) high school graduates attending Douglas College. In 2010, the catchment area was redefined as Metro Vancouver high schools, and in 2013, the number of scholarships offered increased to sixteen (16), with a value of up to $5,000 annually (to be split equally between the Fall & Winter semesters). Recipients are eligible to receive additional renewal scholarships, valued at up to $5,000 annually (to be split equally between the Fall & Winter semesters), for a maximum of 4 years. Recipients must be active in, and a major contributor to, at least one school activity (eg. student council, athletics, music, clubs, etc) or be active within their community on a volunteer basis. Deferral of the scholarship for medical or other reasons is at the sole discretion of the Selection Committee. Candidates must provide relevant documentation in support of the reason for their deferral request.
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration Entrance Scholarship: The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration created this entrance scholarship, with a one time donation in 2001, from their Faculty Productivity Incentive fund and through international consulting projects. The purpose of the Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration Entrance Scholarship is to encourage enrollment by students in any program within the Faculty who have demonstrated academic excellence.
For a full list of entrance scholarships please click here.
It can be overwhelming scrolling through all of the applications and wondering which ones to fill out! Don’t worry. You’ve got this; these types of additional funding are a great resource and it’s worth the time to fill them out. Best of luck!