If working part-time has ever crossed your mind, keep reading! SFU recognizes that part-time work can be really beneficial to students for many reasons. It’s true. You can gain life skills, meet new people throughout campus, and learn basic skills needed in the “real world.” In order to help students out, SFU has lots of opportunities, which we will unpack for you.
Visit MyExperience for jobs, events, and volunteer opportunities at SFU both on and off-campus. You must log in with your SFU computing ID and password to be able to see postings. View this guide if you need help.
Visit GetInvolved for a list of all paid and volunteer opportunities SFU has to offer. This includes peer education, peer mentorship, leadership programs, and on-campus volunteering. If you see something that catches your eye, apply at myinvolvement.sfu.ca.
Here’s a list of every job available for students ON CAMPUS:
· The Peak Newspaper (hires in July, focuses on writing, editing, and art)
· Bookstore (hires in June, focuses on customer service and stocking inventory)
· CJSF Radio (ongoing hiring, focuses on promotion, organization, and radio production)
· Recreation (hires every semester, focuses on various instructional programs and sports)
· Residence and Housing (hiring starts in January and continues, focuses on advising, coordinating, and orientation)
· Faculties and Departments (ongoing hiring, focuses on teaching assistance)
· Student Temp Pool Human Resources (HR) (ongoing hiring)
· Library (hires at end of each semester, focuses on stocking shelves, returns, and customer service)
· Student Safety Program (ongoing hiring, focuses on prevention)
· Work-study Program (same deadlines as financial aid, focuses on research projects for students who need financial aid)
· Academics First Tutors (ongoing hiring, focuses on helping students with school)
· Student Society (ongoing hiring, focuses on administration and organizing)
· Dining Services (ongoing hiring, focuses on serving and food)
· The Study Public House (ongoing hiring, focuses on customer service and kitchen duties)
· Renaissance Coffee (ongoing, focuses on customer service and kitchen)
· Lone Star Tortilla
· Bubble Waffle
· Pasta Polo Express
· UniverCity (ongoing hiring, focuses on customer service and food retail)
On this website you will be able to find some employer videos where employers discuss the types of student jobs available and what will be expected of you if you work at a certain place. They’ll also review what makes a student a really strong, pepared candidate in comparison to others, which can really help set you apart if the hiring pool ends up being competitive. Knowing what your employers want can be crucial in landing any job, so it would benefit you to give the videos a watch.
SFU also has a newsletter to help keep students aware of current job opportunities and such. They also include volunteer opportunities throughout the campuses, which you can easily keep up with. You can sign up for the newsletter here by using your preferred email.
It will be important to start making a resume as soon as possible if you want to apply for a position. Some things to know about resumes is that 1) they should never be too long and 2) they should reflect your best personal achievements in a way that is suited to what you are applying for. You don’t want to hand in a four-page resume of a bullet point list of everything you’ve ever done. Instead, aim for a few key activities, jobs, or experiences that have helped you develop relevant skills. Some tips that SFU strongly suggests are to consider what you do, what skills you do, how you contribute to a company, team, or group, and what the most rewarding parts of your past experiences have been. This will help you really nail down a strong resume.
If you’re still unsure how to make one, reach out to Careers at SFU at careers@sfu.ca to book an appointment. Advisors are happy to give you a hand as well as some feedback if needed. There are also some great free templates online you can find simply by googling ‘resume templates’ if you want some additional help. These templates can really guide you along the process, so you create a well-formatted document. Try to limit your resume to one to two pages to keep it brief.
For more help with your job hunt, think about trying something like SFU’s Job Search Success program, which you can sign up for through MyExperience. This is a great five-week program that will teach you how to update your resume and/or cover letter, tackle interviews, build skills (especially in communication), and more. It might be a good fit if you feel you need more experience before you apply and get thrown into the hiring process.
Whatever you choose to do, know that SFU is there to support you! Good Luck with your job journey!