Everyone’s walk with mental health and wellness is unique. A studied glance at post-secondary education has shown that students are at increasing risk of mental health problems. Providing effective support for mental health challenges is one of the most pressing issues facing Ontario students at post-secondary institutions today. Colleges and universities have taken to this notice and are addressing well-being in students with new and innovative approaches. Georgian College recognizes the needs of the student body in these areas and here are a few of the resources available at the Barrie Campus to support those who are struggling.
Mental Health Supports and Services on Barrie Campus
At Georgian College, it is believed that mental health and well-being is everyone’s responsibility. The campus community is fostered upon treating oneself and others with compassion and understanding. Through meaningful collaboration, a culture of empathy, connection, respect, and equity, are infused at the roots of the institutional structure.
A comprehensive and holistic, 2020-2023, Mental Health and Well-being Strategic Plan is in place to aid not only students, but everyone in the Georgian community. This plan includes mental health literacy and promoting well-being, self management and coping skills, supports and services, and crisis management. The strategy emphasizes a collaborative and strategic focus on a campus environment that supports wellbeing and optimizing mental health.
Mental Health Literacy and Promoting Well-being established a holistic approach to promote mental health and well-being through opportunities that enhance mental health literacy for students and employees. This approach provides a variety of relevant strategies, using innovative and non-traditional communication methods to disseminate mental health and wellbeing information. Georgian, Barrie Campus is committed to enhancing partnerships with other mental health support providers as well, including physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Self Management and Coping Skills has a primary focus on improving student coping skills and strengthening support systems to build personal and community resilience. This focus leads towards the goal of developing and implementing a mental health peer mentor program on the Barrie Campus, to provide opportunities for the campus community to better manage their stressors through the practice of mindfulness. Another goal of this strategy is to deliver group programs, workshops and facilitated discussions that enhance overall community well-being.
The Supports and Services of Georgian College speaks to the importance that the campus community has access to robust and varied services that support a wide array of mental health needs, to help everyone find their own pathway to flourishing.
Lastly, Crisis Management at Barrie Camps is intended to support and respond to urgent mental health situations quickly and appropriately. This stressors importance upon recognizing and responding to risk factors and crisis situations, and ensuring preventative awareness measures that identify at-risk students and initiate an early intervention support plan.
If you are a student, or future student, at Barrie Campus and find yourself in a crisis situation, Georgian College recommends the following contacts:
1. Barrie Campus Student Services
Student Services staff are here to support you in as many ways as possible, and will provide you with access to the resources you need.
2. Good2Talk
This is a free, confidential service for post-secondary students in Ontario and is available 24/7/365. Students can receive professional counselling information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being. Good2Talk is committed to easier access to mental health services for post-secondary students, and is available by phone call or by text, where students can be connected to a trained volunteer Crisis Responder who is there to listen and support students with any issue they’re facing.
3. Campus Safety Services
Campus Safety Services are committed to ensuring the safety and security of students, staff and the general public at Barrie Campus, and is accessible for any emergency – even a mental health crisis.
4. Community Mental Health Resources and Supports
Counsellors are here to help! Monday to Friday, 8:30AM to 4:30PM, virtual counselling appointments are available. Visit the mental health and well-being page on your student portal, where you can learn more about articles and series that cover dozens of mental health and well-being topics.
5. myWellness
As the only e-Mental Health program that moves students from awareness to action, mywellness has developed a tool that supports students who are experiencing a mental health problem and provide them with immediate access to information and resources that guide them to taking control of their own mental health. It has been specifically developed with the Canadian post-secondary student in mind, and assists students in increasing/sustaining their optimal health to ultimately maintain a productive lifestyle while completing their studies.