Graduation is a bittersweet moment. You have successfully completed university and obtained your degree, however you are moving onto a new chapter of your life. If you are going to do anything before graduating, make sure you at least do these 10 things. Once you have completed these 10 things, you can then say that you lived your best life at Brescia University College!

- Join one of Brescia University Colleges amazing clubs.
- Sit in on a lecture of a class you are not even enrolled in, and gain the experience of a course completely out of your range.
- Attend one of the homecoming football games at Western University main campus.
- Attend Brescia’s annual christmas party.
- Have a picnic on campus and enjoy the beautiful grounds of Brescia.
- Try one of the premium bagels at The Spoke (you cannot say you have tried the spoke if you only get a plain bagel with butter).
- Represent your school spirit with Brescia merchandise.
- Partake in the Terry Fox Run.
- Go to The Ceeps.
- Eat at King Richies after 12am on a night out.