Whether you’re a critical thinker, a natural leader, or just love a good-spirited debate, the Politics (BA) program at Acadia University could be for you!
Politics at Acadia is a great place to bring political theories and ideas to life. You’ll learn to identify and unpack complex problems that influence and shape local communities and countries around the world. Developing these types of analytical tools will not only strengthen your understanding of power and governance, but will also help you, and the people around you, become more active citizens.
What can I do with a Politics degree?
Now, you’re probably thinking, “What if I don’t want to become a Politician?” Fear not! When studying Politics the skills you learn are easily transferrable to sectors outside law and politics. That means you’ve got options!
For instance, many Politics graduates have gone on to pursue successful careers in law, education, research, community services, crisis management, journalism, and more.
There are five concentrations that define the program: Canadian Politics, Public Policy, International Politics, Political Theory, and Comparative Politics. Each concentration contains courses that will help you understand the relationships between power, culture, law, policy, and government, which are good things to know in any field.
The politics department itself is small and close-knit. Professors typically follow an open-door policy and there is a welcoming sense of community among the student body. In fact, there are several clubs, societies, and events that you can join where other students empower and support your ideas. The coolest thing about the program is the Politics Passport!
What is the Politics Passport?
At Acadia, a degree in Politics is not confined to the classroom. The Politics department encourages you to engage in “political activity” both on and off-campus by attending different events. The Politics Passport is about experiences not grades. It’s a non-credit course required each year for Politics majors, intended to help you develop different kinds of political connections*. You will receive a physical Politics Passport to collect stamps. All you have to do is share your experiences on social by tweeting @AcadiaPolitics and using the hashtag #polspass. Make sure that when you go to an event, a Politics faculty member confirms your attendance by scanning your Passport. If there is no faculty member at the event, you can document your attendance by taking a selfie!
*The fine print: Students are required to attend 10 events, including one from each category/stamp: National, International, Community, University, Culture, Elections, and Indigenous.
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