It is important to exercise diligence during your education to expand your knowledge on topics that will benefit your learning experience in the long run. Learning must be viewed as a lifelong process. It does not end when you leave university or college. In fact, you continue to build on those critical thinking skills throughout your life.
Students are often tested on their abilities to memorize information and are rewarded by regurgitating content. In fact, many University of Toronto students will tell you how tired they are of memorizing information only to find out it was never on the exam. Critical thinking can be penalized in a system that does not often explore alternate paths of thought. However, students search for clarity and depth. While there are classes at the University of Toronto that elaborate on aspects of critical thinking, you must explore your own!
Therefore, harness that inner curiosity to learn. Understand the importance of critical thinking, solving complex issues, and comprehending challenging topics. Additionally, life experience teaches critical thinking, but so does personal practice. This will increase the sharpness of your thinking. Here are critical thinking skills you should begin immediately:
How to Learn
There are various methods of learning. Not all methods are effective or universally applicable. For example, not everyone is good at memorizing details. Moreover, memorization is not always the best method of learning. Some students learn more effectively through participation and research. So, if memorization does not work, then try reading out loud, researching, or implementing a new strategy, etc. Sometimes you must try different tactics to discover what works best for you. This is one of the most important steps in problem-solving.
Think Logically
You can graduate with fancy degrees but still be a stranger to logical thinking. Without the ability to critically assess, as well as apply these methods effectively, your work will suffer. This may be the difference between an entry-level job and something much larger. Logical thinking teaches you to assess and understand the complexities surrounding you. Furthermore, practicing and strengthening your logical thinking will help you solve complex problems in both thought and practice.
Think Psychologically
The majority of people experience issues that stem from the psychological realm:
- Self-Esteem
- Fear
- Self-Doubt
- Inability to Focus
- Lack of Discipline
- Hesitancy to Learn
Our minds are the biggest challenge to master. Understanding your own psychology will benefit you in a multitude of ways. Personal bias and emotions inform your reasoning much more than you are willing to admit. This also indicates the importance of understanding the effects of emotional experiences on the ways we think.
So get out there and improve your critical thinking skills! Read The University Journey of a Naive Freshman to a Successful Graduate next.